Rearview Mirror Charms Cross made with nails


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You can choose your rear view mirror charms in both wire and nail sizes, just like with our horseshoe nail cross necklace. Show your faith where ever you go with your horseshoe nail cross.

Rear view Mirror Nail Crosses

Pink rear view mirror charm
Nail cross you can share on your rear view mirror.
horseshoe nail cross rear veiw
Nail rearview mirror charms made of horseshoe nails and wire
These are our rearview mirror nail crosses made with horseshoe nails and copper wire.

This is just like our horseshoe nail cross necklace, except this horseshoe nail cross is tied on the cord in a special way so that the cross hangs straight down.

I love to see our cross rearview mirror charm hanging in our car.

I always love to see our daughter's nail crosses among her rearview mirror ornaments.

If you or someone you know likes to hang accessories from their car mirror, then I bet they would like to have one of these nail crosses too. They are like the cross necklace hanging from their rearview mirror.

This is a perfect addition for your collection of nail crosses!

Choose from all of our rearview mirror nail crosses.
Look at our horseshoe nail cross necklace while you are here.