Fundraising Ideas

This is especially easy for Christian fundraising projects for churches, or special funds.
People love these crosses and give them as gifts to friends and family members.
Church Fundrasing Ideas
Church Fundraising Ideas:
• For your local church
• For a church outreach
• For a mission trip
• For local homeless
• For supporting a tragic event
• For a family in need
• For encouraging Church evangelism We received a testimony of how one church uses the crosses to encourage their youth to evangelism. The class is given a cross to wear. When someone mentions that they like their cross, they take it off their neck and give it to the person while explaining what the components mean. The meaning of the cross. The cord represents the whip that was used on our Lord. The nails represents the nails used to hang our Lord on the cross. The wire represents the crown of thorns that was placed on our Lords head. When they give away their cross, they are then given a new cross. They also get more confident witnessing to others.
• For adoption costs We had one person that completely funded their adoption costs for a child in China. This included airfare to go back and forth for initial interviews, payments to China for the adoption process, cost to go back and get their child including room and board while they were there.